Referring Doctors

Your Gastroenterologists are Here to Help

Please download and fill out the form below if you believe your patient would benefit from our gastroenterology services from one of the Gastroenterologists we support. The independent Gastroenterologists are always eager to take on new clients and help supplement your treatment plan.

The Gastroenterologists supported by Townsville Gastroenterology offer services in consultation, colonoscopy, gastroscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy to both insured and uninsured patients in the region of FNQ. Please feel free to use the referral form below or simply send a referral on your letterhead by email, fax or mail, or send by Healthlink. Referrals can be made to Dr Stephen Fairley or Dr Cris Musumba.

The Gastroenterologists we support have a no-gap agreement with all the major health funds and may bulk bill uninsured patients over the age of 65 for procedures. A fee may be charged by the facility where the procedure occurs, and this is reduced for a pensioner at the Townsville Day Surgery. For uninsured patients, the Gastroenterologist’s fee are charged, but above Medicare, there may not be a significant out-of-pocket expense. Please contact us or ask the patient to do so and we will obtain the fees involved from the Gastroenterologist we support. For patients with genuine financial hardship, doctors please contact our office to indicate this on the patient’s behalf.

Referral Form

Referral Form


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